IP Addresses for Sale: Monetize Your Unused IPv4 Assets

IP Addresses for Sale: Monetize Your Unused IPv4 Assets

What Are IPv4 Addresses? 

Basically, IPv4 addresses are unique identifiers that are assigned to any device on a network for communication purposes and data transmission. The IPv4 protocol was designed in early 1980s; it deploys 32-bit address scheme, which permits around 4.3 billion unique addresses.

IPv4 Address Shortage 

With the rapid growth of the use of the Internet and the number of devices connected to the internet, it is not possible anymore that the availability of IPv4 addresses to be distributed. The free pools of organizations, like ARIN, APNIC, and RIPE, have dried up now and created a scarcity. This scarcity, in turn, has created a precious market for existing IPv4 addresses. 

Why Sell IPv4 Addresses? 

Unused IPv4 addresses, if your organization holds them, can be a moneymaking opportunity. Since it is scarce, it will also equate to being valued and thus be in demand. As a result, being able to sell such addresses can bring in big money depending on proper brokerage and guidance.

The Process of Selling

  1. Consultation: Initial discussions are done with brokers regarding this.
  2. Evaluation: Find out the value of your IPv4 address assets.
  3. Connecting Buyers: A broker will connect a seller with any interested buyer.
  4. Secure Transactions: Ensuring the sale is compliant and secure.

Choosing the Right Broker 

When it comes to selling IPv4 addresses, an experienced broker is necessary to navigate the many regulatory complexities and offer some market insight to be able to see you through the seamless exercise. PCL brokers, for instance, do come with some experience and bring on board their network of potential buyers—all this to the benefit of maximizing the value you can be able to obtain from your IPv4 assets.

Benefits of Selling IPv4 Addresses

  • Monetary Gain: Turn unused IP addresses into cash.
  • Resource Optimization: Free up network resources.
  • Market Demand: High demand will mean competitive pricing.


Selling IPv4 addresses is strategic for businesses with surplus addresses. By using the services of a competent broker, you can remove the difficulty in the market and obtain a lucrative deal.

For further detailed information on how to sell IPv4 addresses and for a better understanding of the market, you can visit Pacific Connect.

Frequently Asked Questions

The size of the block, geographic location, and the overall demand for IPv4 addresses in specific regions are primary factors affecting valuation.

The timeline can vary depending on several factors, including the size of the address block, market conditions, and the buyer's due diligence process.

While it's possible to sell parts of a block, it might be more advantageous to sell the entire block for a higher overall value.

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